Cosmos News Room | Cosmos Affordable Tour Packages

Cosmos News Room

Welcome to our News Room! Here, we invite you to learn more about the Globus family of brands’ legacy, itineraries and latest goings-on. Thank you for your interest. Enjoy!!

About Cosmos

For nearly 60 years, Cosmos has done something remarkable: Bringing the world to people; and people to the world. By pioneering value touring vacations, we have a long history of turning travel dreams into reality.

We make possible “never thought I would” or “never imagined I could” moments by making travel attainable and easy. And in doing that, we help travellers expand their horizons, clear their heads and open their hearts to the world around them.

Cosmos understands that adventure is waiting for us – all of us – out in the world. And there simply is no better time than the present to discover new sights, new sensations and new experiences. That’s why we pride ourselves in turning “what if” moments into “I did” realizations.

With our new look and feel, we’re celebrating this ideal and the unparalleled and attainable access we offer our travellers to the globe with value-centric vacations in 67 countries, on six continents.

Let the unexpected begin. Let awe-inspiring take over. Adventure is knocking. As a Cosmos traveller, we know you will answer – as you always have – by finding adventure in the world around you.

For more Information

If you are a journalist and are interested in setting up an executive interview, garnering original editorial content and more, please contact Melanie Gravdal at